BAZIZ scientific research journal, Volume 1, Issue 3, March, 2018

All listed papers are published after full consent of respective author or co-author(s). For any discussion on research subject or research matter, the reader should directly contact to undersigned authors.

Table of contents  / Содержания / Мундарижа

Introduction to the psychology in architecture  
Karel Smejkal, Iva Benova, Oleg Mazurov

Abstract—Psychology is a field of knowledge closely related to architecture. All work is product of our mind and inspirations and it has results consequences. We witness them as our expression, will and efforts. The painters, inventors, writers and architects experience are more/less similar, while observing their finished work. Yet the research in the field of the psychology in architecture had been focused more on the users, to building influences on the environment but nearly no attention was paid to the psyche of the creators themselves – architects in spite of their creative share. The CVUT recently launched an exploration of such mental process as a part of its complex, broader scientific research.
Index Terms— We have obtained over 1200 characteristics, which were arranged according to their frequency into 16 groups. In these selected groups among which was the maximum coincidence and harmony.

Some glances to A. S. Pushkin’s works  
Sadokat Ergasheva

Abstract— It is a poet that combines the wisdom and sensuality of every nation. Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, who is an expert in the s piritual world in Russia, is undoubtedly the author of the book. He was a great optimist who always strived to light and struggled for freedom.In one of the works of the great Tatar poet Abdulla Tukay at the beginning of the 20th century A. Pushkin called poetry a bright star of heaven. Although this description is a beautiful poetic expression, the essence of the Russian poet's creativity, the value of the poem created by them is accurate and true. For a century and a half this name has been generously generating light, like the highest, brightest star in the world of poetry, with heartfelt hearts, gentle heart and heartfelt hearts. Pushkin's works have been successfully tested by lyric poems, poems, fairy tales, dramatic works, stories, stories and novels.Today, Pushkin is the favorite writer in Europe and Asia, Africa and Australia, and North and South America.
Key words: poet, poems,VestnikEurope, patriotism, literature, educational, romanticism.

Periodic ground states for the λ-model on the Cayley tree of order k≥3  
Muhayyo Rasulova

Abstract— In this paper I consider the λ- model on the Cayley tree of order k≥3 . Assume that spin takes its values in the set {1,2,3} . I calculate energy of all unit balls and colletions assume of minimum value energies of unit balls and I describe periodic ground states for the considered model.
Index Terms— Cayley tree, λ model, configuration, group, quotient group, periodic configuration, ground state, periodic ground state.

Non-waste technology and its importance today  
Madikhonova Zarnigor, Ochilov Azizbek, Buronova Feruza

Abstract— Non-waste technology is such an effective method of human consumption that raw-materials and energy are used in a fertile and complex way as a cycl of "raw materials - production - consumption - secondary raw materials resources" and any influence on the natural environment can not be demolished its normal stat e.
Keyword: geothermal, biomass energy, magnesium, molybdenum, uranium, titanium, freon.

The buildings of Islamic spirituality and enlightenment, their priority and systematically organizing ways in Uzbekistan  
Кamoliddin Mamadaliyev

Abstract— Non-waste technology is such an effective method of human consumption that raw-materials and energy are used in a fertile and complex way as a cycl of "raw materials - production - consumption - secondary raw materials resources" and any influence on the natural environment can not be demolished its normal stat e.
Keyword: geothermal, biomass energy, magnesium, molybdenum, uranium, titanium, freon.

The role of family to develop for perfect person  
Nilufar Murodinova & Maftuna Ganiyeva

Abstract— In this article, the influence of the family on the development of a person who has been influenced by the formation of a child's competent person is recorded separately. The development of the human child is an important process. I t is known that a person changes during his life mentally and physically. Heredity, environment, upbringing and education are important in the development of the child. One of the main factors influencing the maturation of the child is an environment. Family environment creates a natural environment for the fomation and development of a child. The family is an elementary school of grooming, beauty, matrimony and upbringing.
The future of our country in the name of our country depends largely on the fact that the future of the state is the formation of the new generation. As a comprehensively advanced human being as the state is founded and strengthened by purely clever people.
Keyword: educator, influence, transfer, diligence, parent meeting, preschool, establishment, conflict.

Increasing the Efficiency of Teaching in Field of Electrical Engineering  
Dilshod Yusupov & Elmurod Berkinov

Abstract— This article compares study results in smaller and larger groups and with an emphasis on how to decrease stress and increase motivation. The study was done in the School of Electrical Engineering at Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan. Two teaching and studying styles were compared and students from both groups were interviewed. The students in small-group teaching gained better grades and were motivated most of the time. The students in the traditional lecture-based course were mostly not motivated but most of them passed the course nonetheless
Index Terms— Small-group teaching, motivation, electrical engineering.

The importance of learning foreign language  
Shakhzada Bazarbayeva

Abstract— The role of the teacher and students in the classroom have changed. It has been observed by the specialists that good students ar e mostly self-motivated, punctual and autonomous which are the key factors for their success and effectiveness.
Index Terms— methods, effectiveness, Educator, school, autonomous, technology, grammar, Vocabulary, maintenance, creation, conceptual skills, fulfillment.

Explaining method and implementing methods of teaching grammar in teaching process  
Feruza Alimova

Abstract— The role of the teacher and students in the classroom have changed. It has been observed by the specialists that good students ar e mostly self-motivated, punctual and autonomous which are the key factors for their success and effectiveness.
Index Terms— methods, effectiveness, Educator, school, autonomous, technology, grammar, Vocabulary, maintenance, creation, conceptual skills, fulfillment.

The role of games and activities in learning language  
Nilufar Kambarova

Abstract— The goal of assessing fun involvement is a wonderful way to achieve classroom goals and improve language arts skills at the same time. It can be believed that students’ test scores suffer because teachers include some games and other enjoyable a nd worthwhile activities in their curriculum.
Index Terms— games, activities, skills, terminology, learning assessment, the State Standards, Competency Evaluation, grit, Academic Intervention Service.

Utilization of Interactive Methods of the Education in Civilization Development  
O. N. Ergasheva

Abstract— Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan has led to a radical reform of all spheres of life of the society. With the full use of the present opportunity, new humanitarian and democratic ideas, the creation of a free-legal state based on market-based production, and civil society identified as an important social objective.
Index Terms— Interactive methods, graphic organizers, sink wheels, citizens, work in small groups

The Formation of the Education o f Students Civil and Materials  
Sarvinoz Norboyeva

Abstract— Effective implementation of educational work on the basis of national and universal values in shaping the quality of civil education. As a result, they have a new vision, self-awareness, profound study of our history, native language, national ideology, loyalty to their Homeland, love for national values and traditions, kindness to their loved ones. In general, upbringing the younger generation as a multicultural civic, patriotic, politically sensitive, conscious person is the task of the present day to bring up a harmon iously developed generation.
Index Terms— citizen, person, value, dialectics, national pride, national pride, intellect, globalization, intensive.

The Educational Training Technology o f the "Social Equipment a nd Matters"  
Halima Berdiyeva

Abstract— In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Program of Personnel Training includes all-round development, adoption of socially political, legal, psychological, pedagogical, and other conditions for the conscious choice and subsequent mastering of educational and professional programs, to educate citizens who feel responsible for the society, the state, and the family.
Index Terms— social factors, socialization, collaborative teaching methods, collaborative training in small groups.

The Role of Fictions for the Development of Human Mind  
Мuslima Bozorova & Мurodulla Ismailov

Abstract— This article discusses the impact, capabilities and didactic properties and principles of literary literature in the development of the reader’s mind.
Index Terms— fiction, literary analysis, pedagogical thinking, reader’s consciousness, heritage of Alisher N avoi, didactic character, didactic principle.

Innovative Technologies in Education at the Application Process  
G. Jumayeva & U. Panjiyeva

Abstract— Hitherto, the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process is accelerating, and it is reflected in the fact that it creates a better quality of education. Supporting talented and talented young people, creating unique conditions for talented students, creating incentives for their unique talents, and incentives for their students to study, have a high potential for organizing the work of professors and teachers. Professionals are devoted to self-sacrificing workers, many of them devoted to professional exchange and experience in foreign countries.
Index Terms— Distance learning, computer technology, innovative technology, the Internet, interactive methods of teaching.

The education role of improving the efficient innovative pedagogy  
G. Jumayeva & M. Abdusamatova

Abstract— An in-depth analysis of internal and external factors influencing the development of qualified cadres who have a profound knowledge of contemporary knowledge needs to be made. President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoev emphasized the following points. The critical analysis of education and science, the state's youth policy, the introduction of new and up -to-date methods of education, including information and communication technologies made. It is also important to solve another problem: the level of professionalism of teachers and professors, their special knowledge. In this regard, it is necessary to create an environment that promotes education, spiritual and enlightenment, and the formation of true values.
Index Terms— innovative, technology, interactive methods, acme ology , talent, talent, creativity, pedagogical conditions.

Dedicated life for the liberal and convenient life  
Barno Kushbakova

Abstract— Islam Karimov, the founder of the independent state of Uzbekistan, the country's former independence from colonial regime, its strategy for the development of a modern basis, the world recognized the name of the "Uzbek model" of development path ha s developed a great reputation in the world, a country with a great reputation, and Politics trace the history of the country as a statesman and bright.
Index Terms— Independence, colonial regime, strategy, citizens, “Uzbek model” of development path.

Ideological education factors of the upbringing person in the independent Uzbekistan  
Muhiddin Tojiboyev

Abstract— After the independence of Uzbekistan, the promotion of the spiritual well -being of the Uzbek people, as well as the focus on human factor as one of the main tasks facing our country, is a manifestation of the centuries-old lessons of the magi and the wise solution to the challenges facing society. National self-consciousness is the basis of spiritual change in our society. National self-consciousness also related to the individual's spiritual well-being. Historical lessons proved that nationality, self-interest and the prospect of development of its own country only have a great potential for development of man and nation.
Index Terms— Interactive methods, graphic organizers, sink, wheels, citizens, work in small groups.

Spiritual and enlightenment work is a significant step towards the upbringing of youth  
Muhiddin Tojiboyev

Abstract— As a result, our country has become an integral part of our national and national values of the importance and importance of self-esteem in our country. On March 24, 1997, all specialist and multilateral organizations have been able to reduce the incentives for the moral and intellectual aspect of the field of journalism as "The Basics of Human Rights". Because national and universal values were not recognized, the colonists had no morality to perfection. In addition, in our study, our students studied the spirit of spirit uality and national values in general and the generalization of the students' appreciation of the influence of morality forming.
. Index Terms— citizen, person, value, dialectics, national pride, national pride, intellect, globalization, intensive.

Space issue of the Ideological Formation of Society  
Dilshod Tolliboyev

Abstract— When the Republic of Uzbekistan gained its independence and became independent; the interest in understanding the history of our society has increased dramatically. This has given a realistic and objective assessment of certain periods of our great history, creating a new, magnificent, magnificent view of the people of Uzbekistan.
Index Terms— independence, history, historical memory, society, public, nation, multinational people

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Traditions are the Future of the Nation  
Khoshim Khidirov

Abstract— While we are mobilizing all our strengths and capacities to ensure that our people are no less in the world, and our children are stronger, more knowledgeable, wiser and happier than we are, the issue of spiritual enlightenment is undoubtedly of immea surable importance. If we lose our sensitivity, determination and responsibility in this matter, and leave this vital task to its own, we can deviate from our spiritual values, our historical memory, and ultimately seek the path of universal progress. The nation tha t does not know its history, forgot its past day, has no future. This fact has been proven to be very successful in the history of personality.
Index Terms— Independence, colonial regime, strategy, citizens, “Uzbek model” of development path.

The economic model of the organization of activities of the company level 3PL and 4PL  
Javlonbek Fayzullayev

Abstract— We define third party logistics as an external logistics service provider offering single or multiple logistics activities to it s customers, which typically is on contract basis. There are developed economic model, the organization of work of the company level 3PL and 4PL.
Index Terms— third party logistics, economic model, the company level 3PL and 4PL, customers, logistics operators.